Wednesday, September 16, 2015

DIY Book Rack

DIY Book Rack

This is one creative idea to reuse an empty 1.5 liter ice-cream container - make it into a  book rack or open book rack.

Use a pencil and trace an outline on the side of the container

Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut out the required shape

These narrow slits are very important as they hold the board in place

Cut the slits according to the thickness of the board. It should fit snugly.

Place a writing-board or hard cardboard into the slits
The book rack is strong enough even for a big heavy book

If the ice-cream container is too flimsy, just add another box to reinforce it.

Use a clip to hold the pages in its place

Great for the kitchen

Excellent for children to do their school or homework

It's excellent as a message board

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